A downloadable tool for Windows

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Create HTML 5 VR games easily

Updates (13th september 2021):

  • Added a prefab editor, where you can edit parts of your terrain that you can then add multiples times in the scene
  • Added support for rotation in 3 axis, you can also rotate a whole selection
  • Adde little animation effect for rotations
  • embedded a small web server. when you click "Run" it will run the webserver, and run internet client 
  • Littles changes in the interfaces

Note: you can ask for new features if you need them

from the terrain editor you can drag & drop modules from the assets tab to create the terrain.

You can then add custom objects or enemies in the scene.

When you generate the project, it will generate html and javascript code that you can customize for your need.

  • It has built-in collision detect for the terrain: simply click on the cardboard button, and you will start/stop to move to the direcction you are looking. You can go up/down staircases, and it will detect collision with walls. You can also add primitives in the scene, and change the material to make it invisible, the collision will still work.
  • It has also built-in detect with objects so you have only to customize the onclicked method  wich will be called when the user clicks on the cardboard button while targeting the objects.

it has by defaul the collections from fertile soil (modular terrain, dungeon, vilage, temple) and some from Kenney,  but you can add your own models to the asses by creating a new folder in the collections folder. it support both .obj and .fbx , and also support textures (It has been tested with the Snake Temple assets from bitgem).

once the project is generated,  it creates an "httproot" directory in the project's folder. you can upload it to a web server and test it


  • you'll need Microsoft .NET 4.7.2


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In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of 5.00€ EUR. You will get access to the following files:

VRGameBuilder.zip 22 MB

Development log